Leaving Certificate and LCA Results 2024 published & important information
Congratulations to the Class of 2024 on their excellent results that they received today.
We are very proud of each of of our students and what they have achieved in the Leaving Certificate and LCA examinations. Many of these students never sat a state examinations at Junior Cycle due to Covid arrangements.
Enjoy the day and the weekend.
If any candidate wants to get their provisinal Leaving Certificate /LCA results page printed in school, this can be collected from our front office from today onwards.
A special word of thanks to all of our staff in St. Farnan's community including teachers, SNAs, tutors over the years, Deputy Principals John Cleary and Sarah Kennedy and especially, Ms Bradshaw, Year Head.
Our Guidance Counselling Team are here if you have any queries regarding this process and what to do next?
Please contact Ms Anita Cleary or our new Guidance COunsellor, Ms Stephanie Hayes if you need to speak to our team.
Ms Bourke is also running the Viewing of Scripts and LC Appeals procedure. You can contact her on abourke@stfarnans.ie for more information
Here is more information about the next steps if you wish to view your scripts or appeal any subject/s
After Results Day ... SEC helpdesk 1800111135 or 1800111136
11. Access to Data
From 12pm on Tuesday 27 August candidates will be able to see their component marks and
adjusted marks through the CSSP.
Candidates will also be provided with a further Candidate
Information Guide 3 –Guide to Understanding your Results to guide them through this process.
This will be published on Monday 26 August and it will also be distributed to candidates and schools by
The purpose of this Candidate Information Guide is to provide the candidate with information about
their Leaving Certificate grades in the 2024 examinations and to assist them should they choose to
view their scripts.
The Guide will: clarify details concerning the marking of the 2024 examinations,
outline how grades were generated, including how a post-marking adjustment was made to marks
before grading, and explain how marks and grades are displayed on examination scripts and how
they will be displayed on the Candidate Portal. There is a specific section providing information on
Leaving Certificate Applied.
Where the result is not based on all mandatory components, the candidates will see the reason
beside the relevant component. This information is provided to the schools as a supplementary
report as part of the results PDF Matrix. Please check that information provided is correct. If any
issues arise in relation to information provided please contact the SEC helpdesk.
12. Viewing of Scripts
Applications to view Leaving Certificate examination scripts must be made by candidates through
the Candidate Self Service Portal between 5 PM on Tuesday 27 August and 8 PM on Wednesday 28
Leaving Certificate Applied viewing applications must be made by email. Candidates will be provided
with an LCA Viewing Application Form on the Candidate Self Service Portal which should be emailed
to viewlcascript@examinations.ie.
The same application timeline applies and all applications must
be made before 8 PM on Wednesday 28 August.
There are two different processes this year for viewing of scripts depending on how the script was
1. Viewing online through the Candidate Self Service Portal
2. Viewing in-person in schools
It is important to note that candidates may have to attend school to view some of their scripts and
use the portal to access others.
12.1. Viewing online through the Candidate Self Service Portal
With the expansion of online marking to the majority of subjects for the 2024 Leaving Certificate,
most script viewing will be online through the Candidate Self Service Portal. The online viewing
process is delivered through the Candidate Self Service Portal and involves candidates having
timebound access to PDFs of the scripts. Online viewing in these subjects will be available from 9
AM on Saturday 31 August to 9 AM on Sunday 1 September.
12.2. Viewing in schools
There is still a need to provide candidates with in-person script viewing in schools for those subjects,
or components of subjects, which were manually marked. Even in subjects which were marked
online there are some exceptions which require scripts to be returned to schools for viewing. The
following material will be returned to schools for in person viewing;
• Examination scripts in subjects which were manually marked
• Certain components of subjects which were marked online (e.g. the LCVP portfolio)
• Examination scripts in the Deferred Examination series will be returned for viewing to the
school in which the candidate had been due to sit the main examinations in June. (These
examinations were not marked online)
• Scripts in online marked subjects that were in atypical format such as Brailed, Enlarged or
Modified scripts or scripts in audio format
• LCA scripts where viewing request received.
Please refer to the table of manually marked subjects and components at Appendix B.
Viewing in Schools will take place on Saturday 31 August and candidates will be assigned to one of
two viewing sessions as follows;
1. Session 1. 9.30 AM – 12.30 PM
2. Session 2. 2 PM – 5 PM
To facilitate the in-person viewing process, school authorities have already received documentation
from the SEC asking them to nominate one person from each school to act as Organising
Superintendent. The role of the Organising Superintendent is facilitated by Ms Anna Bourke
13. Publication of Marking Schemes
The marking schemes in all examination subjects will be published prior to the Viewing of Scripts on
the State Examinations Commission’s website.
14. Appealing Results
Candidates can apply to appeal through the Candidate Self Service Portal.
From: 10 AM on Sunday 1 September 2024
To: 5 PM on Monday 2 September 2024.
A valid application will comprise both the application to appeal and the payment of the appeal fee.
The fee to appeal a result is €40 per subject for Leaving Certificate and €15.50 per subject for Leaving
Certificate applied. The fee is refunded in the case of a successful appeal.
In order that the SEC can process the appeals as quickly as possible, the appeal application
deadline will be strictly applied. Late applications will not be accepted under any circumstances.
The process for the appeal of an examination is a process whereby the script is sent to an appeal
examiner who was not involved in the original marking. The appeal examiner will review the marking
of every part of every question and will consider whether the mark awarded by the original examiner
is correct and reasonable, in line with the marking scheme. If it is, the appeal examiner will award
the same mark again. If it is not, the appeal examiner will award what they consider to be the correct
mark. In some subjects involving practical/project work it may be necessary for an appeal examiner
to visit the school to re-mark work stored by the school.
NOTE: The Leaving Certificate Appeals process applies to the marking of the examinations only. The
Post Marking Adjustment is not open to appeal.