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What is Applied Technology?

Applied Technology is part of the suite of the technology subjects offered in Junior Cycle. In Applied Technology you will learn about properties of materials, electronics, mechanisms, coding, mechanical drawing, sustainability and much more. You will also develop skills in Computer-Aided Design (CAD). Applied Technology encourages the exploration of the real world to explore concepts relating to Applied Technology.

What will I learn in Applied Technology?

Some of the things you may do with your teacher and your classmates are:

  • How to produce drawings using drawing equipment, freehand sketches and CAD
  • Basic principles of electronic circuits
  • How to program a Micro:Bit and other control boards
  • The importance of technology in our everyday life
  • How to use basic hand tools to shape different types of materials
  • The development of design thinking and creative problem-solving skills


How will I learn Applied Technology in school?

Students will use a hands-on approach to learning Applied Technology in school. Students will use hand tools to shape materials, computers to develop coding skills and CAD skills and cardboard to develop prototyping skills.

What is the Assessment for Applied Technology in Junior Cycle?

The assessment for Applied Technology includes 2 Classroom-Based Assessments.

Writtin Examination =30% 

Project = 70% 

For a full view of the learning journey click the link below:


What careers are linked to the subject?

This subject builds skills and knowledge that are particularly useful for careers in the following Career Sectors:





Mr James Hayes