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We are delighted to annouce our September Skipping Challenge - all students will do 100 skips in each of their PE classes this month to promote fitness and wellbeing!
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School Uniform Procedures 2023 - 2024

St.Farnan's P.P.S. Uniform Procedures 2023-2024:

 It is the policy of the school that all second level pupils wear a uniform during school activities. This includes time spent on the premises before and after class.
 The wearing of a uniform helps to promote a positive image for the school.
 It makes pupils recognisable as members of our school.
 It contributes to the development of a sense of pride in the school.
 The wearing of a uniform prevents competition among pupils in the matter of dress and therefore reduces costs for parents/guardians.
 The wearing of a uniform contributes to better order on the school premises.

We hope the following information provided here clarifies our uniform student presentation rules for you. This will help you ensure your son/daughter is aware of and adheres to these rules. We appreciate your adherence to St. Farnan's uniform and personal presentation rules as set out here. This enables the whole school community to focus on the important job of teaching and learning.

From time to time there will be uniform spot checks by tutors and management of each Year Group team.

The official school uniform is as follows:
Dark grey school uniform trousers, wine jumper with crest for junior cycle and black jumper with crest for senior cycle. Regular white cotton shirt with collar (polo shirt not acceptable). 

Dark grey school uniform trousers or tartan skirt. Wine jumper with crest for junior cycle and black jumper with crest for senior cycle. Regular white cotton shirt with collar (polo shirt not acceptable).  Black knee socks/tights with skirt.

Footwear - Students must wear plain low-heeled black school shoes or fully black shoe-type runners. 

P.E. - All students must wear the school P.E. tracksuit with runners and can wear this for the full day but only on the day the students have PE class. Any proper sports runners can be worn with the PE uniform. 


  • One ring on each hand and one small earring on each ear are permitted. No nose, lip or other piercing is allowed. Students wearing any other piercings will be asked to remove them immediately. 
  • Visible tattoos are strictly banned
  • Unusual coloured hair is not acceptable. Extreme hair-styles are not permitted.
  • Excessive ‘Make up’ will not be acceptable and students will be asked to remove it.


  • For Health & Safety reasons, long false nails of any kind are not permitted. Nails should be a natural length.

The Principal will have the final say in regard to any breaches of the uniform policy.

 Coats, jackets and other non-uniform items may not be worn in class, class related activities or in the school building.
 Flared, hipster, combat or other trousers are not uniform irrespective of what pupils may tell their parents/guardians.
 The wearing of a uniform is compulsory in school and at school related activities unless otherwise specified.
 Students are expected to have a neat well-groomed appearance with only items of uniform visible.
 Uniform should be clean and neat at all times.
 Students are advised that back-up items of uniform are advisable as excuses such as “in the wash”, “lost”, “damaged” or “too short/tight” will not be accepted.

 If a pupil presents for school without full uniform he/she has an obligation to report to the student's tutor at  morning registration.
 If the pupil has a satisfactory written explanation from a parent/ guardian, he/she will be permitted to go to registration as normal. Such written explanation will cover that day only.
 Any departure from this procedure will be deemed to be a breach of the uniform code and will result in disciplinary action and will be referred on to the relevant Year Head.

The following sanctions will be used to deal with breaches of the uniform code:
1st offence in term: VERBAL WARNING (no note in journal or email or communication from parent/guardian)
2nd offence in term: DETENTION to be arranged by Year Head
Further offences in the same term will lead to: FURTHER DETENTIONS and may escalate up the Code of Behaviour ladder.

We will make every effort to communicate and deal fairly, empathetically and effectively with both students & parents/guardians but as part of the requirements for admission  procedures to St. Farnan's PPS,our school uniform must be worn by students.

If a student refuses to cooperate with Uniform Policy on an ongoing basis, the school management has a right to bring this matter to the Board of Management for discussion and review and ultimately for a decision regarding extended suspension or exclusion as in the event of a dispute regarding the acceptability of a pupil’s uniform, the school authority is the arbiter, subject to the Board of Management approval.