Transition Year - 2024-2025:
We look forward to working with the students selected to be part of the St. Farnan's Post Primary School TY programme for the academic year 2024-2025 and we hope that they have a fruitful and enjoyable experience in Transition Year.
Much planning and preparation has gone into the programme for the coming year and we hope that the new initiatives and ideas will be popular with the students and that the new structures will ensure that all the students enjoy the programme and that each of them reaches new goals, learns new skills and makes new friends throughout the year.
Please check in with this page and the school's Facebook to keep abreast of their busy programme and their progress throughout the year.
Ms. Flanagan.
Highlights for September
- Highlights for the month ahead will be posted here every month.
There is a new Documents Panel on the right of this page. Please click on the link there to access the Information Document for TY Students distributed before the summer break.
For students wishing to give the necessary documentation to their prospective Work Experience placements, you can download these files in the Documents Panel:
- Work Experience Profile Form
- Insurance Letter
Additional training opportunities and trips organised for September:
- Team Building Trip to Baysports, Athlone
- Team Building Workshop with Teamworks
- Trip to the National Ploughing Championships
- Work Placement Preparation Workshop with the School of Life
- Work Placement Preparation Workshop on Health & Safety and Manual Handling with Sully Safety Solutions
- Work Placement Preparation Communications & Resilience Workshop with Movement More Training
- Dance Class with Grainne Kennedy
- Training Day 1 of STEM Passport Programme with Maynooth University
- Celebration of the European Day of Languages
- Coffee Morning with the Beanery Coffee Van
- Weekly Work Placements begin - Sept. 25
TY Coordinator:
Ms. Tanya Flanagan, email -
Year Head - 4th year:
Mr. Owen Dockery, email -
TY Tutors:
Class DaVinci: Mr. De Turberville, email -
Class Donatello: Mr. Kenna, email -
Class Dante: Ms. Mullen, email -