Welcome to Room 26 our Moderate Learning Class
Our ‘Moderate Learning Class’ (MLC) is now in brand new classroom (from September 2024) in a separate block of 3 other classrooms and is referred to as Room 26. The classroom has a sensory area with a small relaxation tent as well as an outdoor soft play area.
This special class caters for 8 pupils and our general educational philosophy is to integrate as much as is appropriate and practical and to endeavour to give our students access to as broad a based curriculum as possible. The range of pupils within this class ranges from 1st years up to 6th years which also includes Transition Year. Work is differentiated to accommodate the different levels of ability and ranges of age and curriculums/guidelines such as the NCCA Primary Moderate General Learning Disabilities Guidelines, Level 1/2 Junior Cert, Leaving Cert Applied (to name but a few) help to develop an appropriate structure within the class which is very individual depending on pupils' needs and strengths. There is a focus to constantly improve communication both with fellow peers and all staff members both in and out of the classroom environment.
A lot of learning takes place outside of school too and it is an added benefit that Prosperous Village is so close. A 'Student Support File' (SSF) is opened up upon entry and is maintained on a regular basis and students' reviews are made along with Parental input which form ‘Individual Education Plans’ (IEPs). New, suitable resource material is constantly being created and built upon. Each pupil also has an individual 'Personal Pupil Plan' (PPP) which is written in conjunction with their SSF and used as a guide to focus on individual care needs and to seek out dedicated supports that can be put in place to scaffold school life to make it as happy and productive as possible. A lot of differentiation takes place, both in R26 and in Mainstream, in order to ensure a bespoke educational experience for all.
Our class opened in Sept 2014 with 3 pupils and our portacabin was operational in May 2015. To date; 12 pupils have been enrolled in Room 26 and we are full with 8 pupils this September. Any one class can have pupils from 1st year right through to Senior Cycle students being educated alongside one another. Great emphasis is placed on integration, both for educational, personal and social reasons and so pupils attend mainstream classes where it is appropriate and meaningful to do so. Pupils from Room 26 have, and will be, involved in many other ways in school life such as participation in the Student Council, Musicals, Sports Days, Sponsored Walks, JCSP activities, Award Nights, School Tours etc.
In the past three years we have been lucky enough to secure funding from Tennis Ireland/Enjoy Tennis for our 'Room 26 on Tour' and Tennis sessions, and funding from our three Plant Sales (in conjunction with R25) to go on two tours to Athy, one tour to Roberstown and funding from the '25 Card Club' in Clane to enjoy two day trips so far to Dublin Zoo.
Practical activities in our class have included Horse Riding lessons, Breakfast Club visits (to a local Restaurant), Tennis Ireland/Enjoy Tennis lessons (in conjunction with Prosperous Tennis Club and the Parish Community Centre), Shop Visits, Mobile Library Visits, Visits to the local Church & Community Hall, Visits to the National Stud, Tesco, Supervalu, Kildare Maze, Lullymore Discovery Park, Travel Training on a local Bus to Clane, various Work Experience placements and Historical Walks etc. For this coming year we will continue with Horse Riding lessons, Breakfast Club visits and Tennis lessons.
For the past three years we have had a partnership with Down Syndrome Ireland/Kildare Branch and have participated in weekly Nature Studies sessions at their Polytunnel in Donadea and we are very happy to be continuing this collaboration for this academic year. Two years ago we added Musical Theatre to our repertoire in the form of weekly Dance classes and we continue with them this coming year. In the past we have also worked with Football for All gaining valuable and transferable football skills in weekly joint sessions with Room 25 students (Autisic Unit).
We operate a full Transition for students to move on from school and work closely with the HSE Disability Officer. Suitable placements are visited and explored before making commitments (i.e. Project Search at Naas Hospital). Graduates have progressed on to the National Learning Network, Possibilities Plus and KARE to name but a few.
Our class is officially allocated half of an SNA and one and a half teachers. Our class has had up to two and a half Special Needs Assistants (SNAs) added on to this allocation which has to be applied for separately and is directly correlated to students' needs - we currently have two and a half SNAs who support our 8 pupils. We are the only one of two ‘Moderate Learning Units’ attached to a Post Primary mainstream school in Kildare. Pupils have lived as far away as Kildare Town & Maynooth and most come into school using the ‘School Transport Scheme’ and some avail of a Bus Escort.
Further information can be obtained from Jacqueline Considine.
"We build too many walls and not enough bridges" -
Isaac Newton.
Room 26 Moderate Learning Class

Jacqueline Considine Room 26 MLU Lead
Kathleen Moloney