
Our Curriculum
Our school’s fundamental aim is to provide excellence in education for all of our students. We run many Department of Education programmes including Junior Cycle, Junior Cycle School's Programme, Transition Year, Leaving Certificate Established and Applied along with L1LP, L2LP programmes for certain students. These underpinned by our school’s Mission Statement which affirms our commitment to provide the every opportunity for students to grow educationally, spiritually, emotionally, socially, creatively and physically in a kind, caring and healthy environment.
Junior Cycle Examination subjects:
Irish, English, Maths, History, Geography and Science.
Options: Business Studies, French, Spanish, Italian, Graphics, Home Economics, Music, Visual Art, Technology, Wood Technology, Graphics, Engineering.
Non Examination subjects:
Physical Education (P.E.), Social Personal and Health Education (S.P.H.E.), Religious Education, Civic Social and Political Education (C.S.P.E.) and Information Technology (IT).
Transition Year:
Irish, English, French, Spanish, European Studies, Mathematics, Physics/Chemistry, Biology, History, Geography, Music Appreciation, Business Studies, Information Technology (IT), Religious Education, Physical Education (P.E.), Politics and Society, Life Skills, Career Guidance, Home Economics, Astrophysics, Art Appreciation, Photography, Mural Art, Woodwork, Engineering, Agricultural Science, Computer Science, Public Speaking, Debating, Work Experience, Community Service, Visiting Speakers, Outdoor Pursuits, Field Trips.
Leaving Certificate Examination subjects:
All students study Irish, English, and Maths.
An additional four subjects are chosen from the following: Art, Business, Biology, Chemistry, French, Geography, History, Home Economics (Scientific and Social), Music, Physics, Engineering, COnstruction, Graphics.
Non Examination subjects:
Physical Education (P.E.), Social Personal and Health Education (S.P.H.E.), Career Guidance and Religious Education.
Leaving Cert. Vocational Programme (L.C.V.P.):
Students in the Senior Cycle may avail of this programme. It comprises the traditional Leaving Cert. with two additional Link Modules (a) Enterprise Education, (b) Preparation for the World of Work.