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Welcome to our Wellbeing Department. This department incorporates the subjects of PE, CSPE and SPHE among others. 


CSPE is taken at Junior Cycle. Currently we are in year two of the Department of Education's new Junior Cycle Programme, meaning our current third years will be the last cohort of students nationally who will sit the CSPE examination and complete the accompanying Action Project.


The new CSPE course is divided into three strands;Rights and Responsibilities, Global Citizenship, and Exploring Democracy.Students will undertake a Classroom Based Assessment to reflect on their learning.


In 2022, Our Action Projects included a Bake Sale to raise funds for the Irish Cancer Society and a trip to Dublin Zoo to study about animal conservation.




CSPE Teachers

Ms Jardine

Mr Langton

Ms Roche

Ms Delaney

Mr de Turberville

Mr MacNeany

Convener - Ms Delaney